MTech VLSI Projects and Internship
Course Summary
- Duration: 10 months
- Phase#1 – 2.5 months
- Advanced Digital design
- GVIM text editor
- Â Verilog
- Linux basic commands
- Phase#2 – 3.5 months
- Linux advanced commands – hands on
- Soft skill training
- AXI protocol and TB development
- Python
- ASIC flow and SOC verification concepts
- Candidate gets placement support from this stage.
- Phase#3 – 4 months
MTech Project or Internship project
Digital Design - Deep Dive
- Combinational logic
- Number systems
- Radix conversions
- K-maps, min-terms, max terms  Logic gates
- Realization of logic gates using mux’s and universal gates
- Compliments (1/2/9/10’s complement)
- Arithmetic operations using compliments
- Boolean expression minimization, Dmorgan theorems
- POS and SOP
- Conversion and realization
- Adders
  Half adder
  Full adder - Subtractor
  Half subtractor
  Full subtractor - Multiplexers
- Realizing bigger Mux’s using smaller Mux’s
- Implementing Adders and subtractors using Multiplexers
- Decoders and Encoders
- Implementing Decoders and Encoders using Mux and Demux
- Bigger Decoder/Encoder using smaller Decoder/Encoder
- Comparators
- Implementing multi bit Comparators using 1-bit Comparato
- Sequential logic Â
- Latch, Flipflop
- Latch, Flipflop using Gates or Mux’s
- Different types of FFs
- FF Truth table
- Excitation tables
- Realization of FF’s using other FF’s
- Applications of FF’s, Latches
 Shift registers
 Synchronizers for clock domain crossing
 Mealy, Moore FSM
 Different encoding styles
 Frequency dividers
 Frequency multiplication - STA
 Setup time, Hold time, timing closure
 fixing setup time and hold time violations
 Launch flop, capture flop
Verilog Language - Deep Diva
- Verilog Language Basics
- Verilog: How the language evolved?
- Verilog execution using Modalism
- Verilog constructs Â
- Literals
- Data types
- Operators
- Continuous assignments
- Procedural timing controls
- Task and functions
- System task and function
- modeling memories and FSM
- Parameters
- Port connections
- Procedural blocks
- Sensitivity list
- State machines
- timescale
- Verilog timing regions
- process
- Blocking and nonblocking statements
- Inferring combinational and Sequential logic
- fork join
- Race conditions
- Synthesis examples
- Inter and Intra delay statements
- Pipelining
- compiler directives
Verilog Design and Verification with multiple projects
- DFF coding using gate level, behavioral
- Counters Â
- Up counter
- Ring counter
- Johnson counter
- Memory design and verification
- Memory Verilog coding
- Front door access
- Back door access test case coding
- Test case coding and understanding waveforms
- FIFO – Synchronous FIFO and Asynchronous FIFO
- Synchronous FIFO
- Asynchronous FIFO
- Finite state machines Â
- Mealy and Moore style
- Implicit and Explicit styles of coding.
- Pattern detector – Overlapping, Non-Overlapping, Dynamic Â
- Overlapping
- Non-Overlapping
- Dynamic
- Traffic light controller
- APB protocol
- Interrupt controller
- SPI controller
- CRC generation
SystemVerilog Language Constructs - Deep Dive
- Functional Verification overview
- Test bench architecture
- Test bench components
- Test bench development: Modularity, Reusability
- Understanding Functional Verification flow
- System Verilog Course overviewÂ
- System Verilog language features
- Verilog for TB development
- Verilog Language constructs and shortcomings
- operators, data typesÂ
- Literals
- Operators – How things change from Verilog
- Data types – Integer based, string
- ArraysÂ
- Arrays
- Array classification
- Packed and Unpacked Arrays
- Static and Dynamic Arrays
- Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Dynamic Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Queue
- Array of Queues in scoreboard implementation, other complex declarations
- Object Oriented ProgrammingÂ
- Basics of OOP – Class, Object, handle
- Class elements – Properties, methods, constraints
- Properties – 5 attributes in property declaration – rand/randc, signed, static,
- 2/4 state,
- data hiding
- Language provided and User defined methods
- Developing Ethernet frame and APB Tx class
- new constructor
- randomize, pre_randomize, post_randomize
- User defined methods – print, copy, compare, pack, unpack
- Encapsulation – Data hiding, local, protected, public
- Inheritance
- Ethernet frame generation example to learn OOP
- Polymorphism – real life use cases
- this, super
- Class forward declaration
- Multiple levels of inheritance
- Abstract class
- Parameterized classes
- Difference from Verilog parameterization
- Parameterization with inheritance – 4 combinations
- Parameterized classes for testbench development
- Static properties and methods
- Interface class
- Constant class property
- Scope resolution operator
- Nested class
- Variable scope
- Object copying – copy by handle, shallow copy, deep co
- $cast – static and dynamic casting
- Advanced Data types
- Data types – Chandle, event, typedef, struct, union, enum
- Using struct data type for medals tally sorting example
- Typedef for defining complex data types
- Using complex data types in scoreboard development
- Fork join, Inter process synchronizationÂ
- Labeling
- Fork join – join_any, join, join_none
- Nested fork
- Labeling fork
- Process, process states
- Inter process synchronization
- IPS constructs – mailbox, event, Semaphore
- mailbox – types, methods
- events – persistant, synchronization examples
- Semaphore – synchronization examples
- Project to learn all SV language constructsÂ
- Project – Memory TB development covering 90% of SV language constructs
- Configurable memory TB development
- Interface – Ports, internal signals, clocking block, mod port
- using clocking block to fix design – TB synchronization issues
- Physical interface, virtual interface
- Using interface for design and TB connection
- ProgramÂ
- Program significance
- How Program differs from Module
- Why Program is redundant?
- Scheduling semantics
- Scheduling semantics
- Task, Function
- Task, function – how they are different from Verilog
- Static & automatic task/functions
- System task and functions
- Constraints, RandomizationÂ
- Constraints format
- Constraints type – Simple, distribution, implication, if-else, iterative, variable ordering, soft, unique
- Inline constraints
- Constraints for queue randomization
- Constraints virtual nature
- Randomization
- Rand case
- Randomization in class, module
- rand, randc
- Constrained random verification
- Directed verification
- Multiple hands-on examples on Constraints and Randomization
- Chip select example using multiple interrelated constraints
- new significance for randc
- Functional and code coverageÂ
- Functional Coverage
- What is functional coverage?
- Need for functional coverage
- Where FC comes in functional verification flow?
- How to implement FC?
- Different types of FC?
- Integrating Functional coverage in Test bench
- functional coverage hierarchy
- Different types of cover points – simple, cross, transition
- Different types of bins – normal, illegal, ignore
- coverage calculation
- coverage options – auto_bin_max, weight, at least, goal, comment, name,
per instance, detect overlap - Listing down cover points for a design
- Instance coverage
- Cross coverage with intersect
- FC system task & Functions
- Coverage Driven Verification
- Coverage report analysis
- Cover groups with arguments
- Coverage filter using iff
- Functional coverage types in TB – transaction class coverage, register field coverage,
- scenario coverage
- Code coverage
- Generating code coverage
- Different types of code coverage – FSM, Conditional, Branch, Expression, Statement,
- Toggle
- Detailed understanding of code coverage types with examples
- Merging UCDBs, generating coverage reports
- Analyzing coverage report
- Coverage exclusion
- Assertions and Assertion based verificationÂ
- Need for assertions?
- Assertion based verification
- Types of assertions
- Immediate assertions
- Concurrent assertions
- Assertion format – antecedent, consequent
- Running assertions using quest Asim, debugging the assertions in waveform
- Assertion hierarchy – property, sequence, Boolean expression
##, |-> and |=> operators - Assertion examples for clock frequency check
- Assertion with local variables
- Assertions for simple timing diagrams
- Listing down and implementing assertions for simple designs – Async FIFO, Interrupt
- controller
- Direct Programming Interface (DPI)
- import and export of functions
- Configuration libraries, Packages, XMRÂ
- Configuration Libraries
- Incremental compilation
- Packages – defining, importing
- Configuration libraries, Packages, XMRÂ
- Compiler directives & Macros
- Parameterizable macros
- VCD – value change dump
- common array methods
- Callbacks – multiple use case examples
UVM Constructs - Deep Dive
- What is UVM? Need for a methodology?
- How UVM evolved?
- UVM class libraryÂ
- Classification of base classes in various categories
- OOP basicsÂ
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Parameterized classes
- Parameterized macros
- Static properties and static methods
- Abstract classes
 Pure virtual methods - How above aspect correlates with UVM implementation.
- UVM Class Library, Macros, UtilitiesÂ
- Detailed overview of important UVM base classes, Macros and Utility classes.
- UVM TB ArchitectureÂ
- Setting up a UVM based testbench for APB protocol from scratch.
- Significance of uvm_root in UVM based testbenches.
  run_test, how it starts whole TB flow.
- Command line processorÂ
- Reporting classes
- Uvm_report_object
- Uvm_report_handler
- Uvm_report_server
- Detailed examples on use of methods in these classes.
- ObjectionsÂ
- UVM Factory
- Configuration DB, Resource DBÂ
- Detailed usage of both data bases.
- How config_db is related to resource_db?
- Using config_db to change the testbench architecture.
- TLM1.0Â
- Push
- Pull
- Analysis
- Complex example on AHB to AXI transaction conversion.
- Simulation PhasesÂ
- UVM common phases
- Scheduled phases
- Sequences, SequencersÂ
- Default sequence
- p_sequencer
- m_sequencer
- Test case developmentÂ
- Different styles of mapping testcase to sequence
 Using default sequence and scheduled phases
 Using sequence start method - Configuring TB Environment
 Advanced aspects of developing a highly configurable - Concept of knobs of test case scenario generation
- Using top level parameters to control the overall TB architecture
- Different styles of mapping testcase to sequence
- Different testbench component codingÂ
- Monitor
- Coverage
- Scoreboard
- Checkers
- Assertions
- Different styles of sequence developmentÂ
- `uvm_do
- Start_item and finish_item
- Using existing sequences
- Sequence libraryÂ
- Creating complex test cases using sequence library
- Virtual Sequencer, Virtual sequences
Linux Commands - Hands on Training
- Installing Linux platform in Windows
- Linux basics
- Linux versus Windows
- Linux Terminal
- File and Directory management
- Changing file permissions
- Absolute path and relative path
- Working with directories
- GVIM – major keyboard shortcuts
- Text display commands
- Root configuration files
- Environment variables
- Text processing commands
- grep, fgrep
- xargs
- SEd
 Pipes and filters
- Process management
- Â Ping
- File compress and extract
- Soft links
AXI Protocol and AXI VIP and TB Devolpment
- Protocol basics
- Protocol overview
- Protocol features
- AMBA protocol overview
- AXI Protocol basics
- SOC Architecture – Significance of AXI protocol
AXI based system architecture - Correlating AXI with APB protocol
- Protocol overview
- Ports(signals) required for AXI protocol
- AXI Channels
- Write & Read Channels
- Handshaking using valid and ready
- Write Channel Signals – Address, Data and Response
- Read Channel Signals – Address and Data
- Timing diagramsÂ
- How to draw the timing diagrams?
- Write Transaction Timing Diagram
- Read Transaction Timing Diagram
- AXI transaction analysis for big endian and little-endian architectureÂ
- Wrap transactions – write and read
- Narrow transfers
- Data bus and strobe relation
- Aligned and unaligned transfers
- AXI signal encoding
- Responses in AXI
- Locked and exclusive transfers
- Overlapping, out of order, interleaved txs
- Interconnect role in out of order transaction
- Significance of ID in AXI protocol
- AXI Channel handshake dependency
- Cacheable and bufferable transactions
- Protected transactions
- AXI VIP and UVC development
- Need for UVC?
- Different types of UVC’s
- UVC usage in module and SOC verification
- Where Passive UVC are used?
- UVC integration into TB
- AXI UVC architecture
- AXI Transaction Definition
- AXI UVC coding
- AXI TB simulation and wave form analysis
- AXI UVC integration
- AXI scoreboard coding
ASIC Verification Concepts
- SoC Verification Concepts
- Module Level Verification
- Constrained Random Verification
- Coverage Driven Verification
- Directed Verification
- Assertion Based Verification
RTL Debug Concepts
- Schematic tracing
- RTL tracing
- FIxing RTL and TB syntax and logical errors
Soc Verification Concepts
- SOC Architecture overview
- SOC verification concepts
- SOC Components
- SOC use cases
- SOC Testbench architecture
- SOC verification differences with module verification
- Specification
- RTL coding, lint checks
- RTL integration
- Connectivity checks
- Functional Verification
- Synthesis & STA
- Gate level simulations
- Power aware simulations
- Placement and Routing
- Custom layout
- Post silicon validation
PERL or Python Scripting
- Python Interpreter
- Variables
- File management
- Subroutines
- Regular expressions
- Object oriented Python
- Python modules
Soft Skill Training
- Facing interviews effectively
- industry work culture
- Group discussions
Course Assignment
100+ detailed assignments covering all aspects from Verilog, Advanced digital design, System Verilog, UVM, AXI protocol, VIP Development, Ethernet MAC core verification, RTL debug, UNIX and PERL scripting.
There are two kinds of internships.
One, You join a company where they will give you a junk work which their permanent staff don’t want to do. They will pay you some stipend for doing the same. It doesn’t offer any significant learning.
Second, you join internship where you learn new languages, protocols and skillset which you don’t learn as part of college curriculum.
We offer internship in 2nd category, where student gets to learn new skill set, which improves the candidate employability for current job requirements.
Student can pursue internship and project on any of the VLSI domains including RTL design, functional verification, Physical design, DFT, STA, and custom layout.
One year time spent on MTech project gives ample time to the student to work on complex projects inline with industry requirements. It helps student improve the resume and overall skillset, ultimately helping in getting a right job.Â
- Projects on IEEE standard
- Projects based on industry standard Protocols like AXI, AHB, USB, PCIe etc
- 1 year experience letter on completion of internship
Course | MTech project and internship |
Duration | 10 months or 1 year |
Next Batch | Student can join any time as per their convenience |
Mode of training | Classroom training & Live online training Course can also be done in hybrid mode. |
Batch Size | 20 |
Course Highlights
- 1-1 Dedicated Mentor Support
- Â 24/7 Tool Access
- Multiple mock interviews
- Industry Standard Projects
- Support with resume update